Immigrants and refugees have come under sharp attack since the rise of xenophobic rhetoric and policies over the last few years. Instead of being afraid, they have responded by becoming U.S. citizens in record numbers. Over the last six years alone, there are around 5 million new citizens who have naturalized and can vote in the 2020 presidential election, according to NPNA’s “Naturalize Now, Vote Tomorrow report.” This critical trend stands to fundamentally change the power and recognition of immigrants. For more data and to read our latest report click here.
Naturalized immigrants now comprise 1 in 10 eligible voters in the U.S., and they make up 67% all AAPI voters and 25% of all Latinx voters. This shows a doubling of the immigrant electorate since 2000.
Over the last six years, New American voters have become a large voting block. Yet there remains a 10-point gap between voting rates of naturalized citizens and the native-born. This gap is slowly shrinking, but can be accelerated by effective, targeted outreach to new citizens. A small increase in turnout in politically important states can sway the outcome of national, state, and local elections.
NPNA’s New Americans Vote 2020 Campaign is a national effort which targets and uplifts the diverse stories of the newly naturalized, especially in states where they can have significant influence to turn out the newly naturalized.